best under desk treadmills

Don't expect anything near gym quality when buying an under-desk treadmill that isn't as expensive as the Citysports Treadmill. These treadmills are built for walking , and come with an excellent build quality. This isn't a bad thing as there is no need for a sturdy design for walking around your desk.

The CitySports Treadmill is a well-built, affordable treadmill which is ideal for those who are looking to burn off calories while working. The motor's low power means it isn't too loud to disrupt your walking, and you can hear the call of zoom.

Straight out of the box

The greatest thing about the treadmill is its ease of use. It's simple to set up and operate. The treadmill is easy to use. Take it out of its box, press the power button and you're good to go. It's certainly one of the most impressive walking treadmills I've reviewed and today we'll take a review the various features it provides.

First a quick look at the specifications for the product!

Specifications of the Product

Product dimensions - 55.5 x 24.75 x 6 inches


Weight: 55 lbs (25 kg)


Speed - 0.6% to 3.0mph (1-6km).


Max user height - 6'2''


Anti-shock system


Motor - 40W


Weight capacity - 250lb


Running belt size - 17'' X 43.3''

Why do we love the Citysports Treadmill?

At first, I was impressed by the Citysports treadmill's slim dimensions. It is able to be stored in a bed, sofa, or table. Some people have found a way to store the treadmill inside their closet. This is fantastic news for those who are tight on space. It's light, which means it's easy to move it. Simply turn the wheels to move it.

Good Length Running Belt For Price Point

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Citysport's compact treadmill is the dimension of its belt. It is 43 inches wide x 17 inches it's impressive for a low-cost compact desk treadmill. It is slightly larger than other belts in this price range, and it is a bit more wide. While it may not seem like something, it can make significant difference to who is able to use the machine.

A 43'' belt will allow users up to 6'2 inches to walk on the machine with ease, and users up to 6'' can utilize this type of belt for more intense walking sessions that require greater distances. This extra inch of belt width will also assist in preventing users from falling off the edge of the belt during the middle of the session.

Easy To Read Large LCD

It's unlikely that this treadmill would have advanced monitor capabilities. It is very rare to come across an Under-Desk treadmill equipped with the latest features for monitors.

Even if, in this price category we'll are able to get the basics such as the CitySports treadmill tracks your speed and distance, time, and calories . It also will display your workout statistics on a large display embedded into the running deck of the treadmill.

It is possible to control everything with a remote controller. This allows you to change your speed while you walk. Maximum speed is 3.8 miles per hour.

Bluetooth connectivity is available on the treadmill. In addition, integrated speakers are a nice extra. There aren't any fitness programs. The motor on the machine is 540w, making it silent. It's possible to watch TV or listen to music and not be disturbed by the sound of the machine.


How Often Do I Have to Lubricate the Belt?

Citysports treadmill belts are pre-lubricated from the moment you open the box. It's already pre-lubricated at the factory. After that, the treadmill belt should be lubricated at least every 60 miles. The treadmill deck features an attractive feature that turns on in the event that the treadmill belt is dirty.

Is This Treadmill Durable?

Treadmills won't last very long. There are still ways to perform basic maintenance to ensure that the treadmill will last as long as possible. The first step is to place the belt in the center prior to your first session of walking. It is a good idea to do it once a week to vacuum the treadmill belt. This will stop debris from getting into the motor. Most importantly, you should lubricate the treadmill belt when required. The treadmill you're using have a warning light, so there shouldn't need to be issues here.

Another factor that can prolong the lifespan of your treadmill is not to exceed the recommended maximum capacity for the treadmill. A treadmill with a low capacity motor is likely to fail, so it is advised not to go over the limit of its capacity.

The treadmill is able to hold the maximum weight of 240lbs. However, the treadmill's maximum capacity is about 200lbs.

The CitySports treadmill can last for years, if you follow the guidelines.

Any Major Drawbacks?

I can't find any major disadvantages to this treadmill. Although the remote feels cheap however, it functions very efficiently. Be sure to hold it flat in your hands and not in a slant. In the wrong way, it will not work properly.

No Incline

Something I love to use on a treadmill, however, what you can't find on the Citysports treadmill is an incline feature because walking on an incline burns twice as many calories and helps strengthen those difficult-to-train leg muscles. The treadmill was designed to aid in burning calories. It's impossible to work at a desk as you stroll on an inclines that's why many don't even have one.

Also, the treadmill is light. While light weight is an advantage when transporting and storing the treadmill it can also make them feel unstable since they don't have any extra weight to hold them down on the ground. A treadmill mat can be a fantastic option for light treadmills. It absorbs a great deal of the vibrations that come from exercise and keeps them steady.

Sunny Health & Fitness sells the top treadmill mats at a low price. Find the link below.

Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill mat on Amazon

Deck Cushing System – Reduces the strain on joints

The Citysports treadmill isn't equipped with an anti-shock system like you'd expect on a commercial treadmill however it does feature deck cushioning which is an excellent thing. It's important to protect joints of all ages. A treadmill with cushioning features will allow you to avoid exercising on high-impact surfaces such as roads. The Citysports cushioning system features layers under the belt. It reduces the impact of every foot strike by as much as 40 percent.