manual under desk treadmill

A less expensive treadmill, such as the Citysports Treadmill will not be able to compete with the gym. These are made specifically for walking, and their design and build will reflect this. This isn't good thing since it doesn't require an oversized high-quality design for walking to your desk.

The CitySports Treadmill is a well-built, affordable treadmill which is ideal for those who are looking to burn off calories at work. It's got a motor with low power that is quiet enough to keep you from being disturbed while you stroll on it.

Take it straight from the box

This treadmill's simplicity is what people love the most. It's simple to set up and use. You can simply take it from the box, press the power button, and then start your workout. It's definitely one the best walking treadmills I've reviewed and today we'll take a take a look at the many features it offers.

Look over these product specifications!

Specifications for the Product

Product dimensions - 55.5 x 24.75 x 6 inches


Weight 55lbs (25kg)


Speed - 0.6 percent 0.6% - 3.0mph (1-6km).


Max user height - 6'2''


Anti-shock system


Motor - Motor - 440W


Weight Capacity - 24lbs


Running belt size - 17'' X 43.3''

What is it that makes us love the Citysports Treadmill so very much?

First, I was impressed by the Citysports treadmill's tiny size. It can be easily stored under a sofa, bed or table. I know some users have managed to store this treadmill in their closets. This is great news if you have limited space. It's lightweight, and moving it is easy. Simply tilt the wheels and move it.

Good Length Running Belt For Price Point

The belt's size is the most impressive feature of Citysport’s compact treadmill. The belt measures 43" by 17", which is quite impressive for a compact desk treadmill. The belt is just a few inches longer than others I've tested within this price range and one inch larger. It doesn't sound much but it's a huge difference to the person who is able to utilize the device.

A belt of 43 inches will allow users up to 6'2'' to walk on the machine comfortably, and users with a height of 6'' can use this type of belt for walking sessions with a faster pace that require greater walks. This extra inch helps users avoid walking over the belt's edge during their walks.

Large LCDs are easy to read

This treadmill doesn't come with advanced features for monitors, which is surprising considering the cost. It is very rare to come across an Under-Desk treadmill with an advanced monitor feature.

Still, even if in this price bracket we have the basic features and features, the CitySports treadmill tracks your speed as well as time, distance and calories and shows your exercise stats on a large display in the running deck of the treadmill.

The entire system is controlled by an remote control, meaning that you can alter the speed when walking. Maximum speed is 3.8 miles per hour.

Bluetooth connectivity is possible when you are on the treadmill. Additionally, the integrated speakers are a nice extra. There aren't any fitness programs. The machine is quiet with a motor of 540w. The machine is so quiet that you are able to watch television or listen to music.


What is the most frequent time I Have to Lubricate My Belt?

The Citysports walking treadmill belt is pre-lubricated at the factory. This means that you don't need to oil it until you've removed the box from the treadmill. The treadmill belt has to be lubricated every 60 miles. The treadmill deck comes with a handy feature that lights up in the event that the treadmill belt is filthy.

How long will this treadmill last?

The majority of treadmills won't last the duration of a life time. To ensure that your treadmill runs for as long as you can, there are essential maintenance steps that we can do. Before starting your first run, make sure that the belt is placed. Every week, I find it's a good idea to wash the treadmill belt and vacuum under it. This helps to keep debris out of the motor. Last but not least, make sure you are lubricating the treadmill belt whenever you need to. With this treadmill, you will see a warning indicator, therefore, there shouldn't be any problems here.

A treadmill's maximum capacity is one of the things that can make it last longer. A treadmill with a weak capacity motor will eventually end up failing, therefore it's best not to exceed the maximum capacity.

The max capacity for this treadmill is 240lbs, an actual maximum capacity for this treadmill is 200lbs.

CitySports treadmills should last for many years when you follow the guidelines.

Any Major Drawbacks?

There aren't any significant disadvantages with this treadmill. It's cheap, but it works well. Place it in your hand so it won't slide.

No Inclination

One thing I enjoy using on a treadmill, but it's not available on the Citysports treadmill is an incline feature, since walking up an inclined terrain burns more calories and strengthens those hard-to-train leg muscles. This is, however, an under-desk-mounted treadmill specifically designed to help burn calories, but that's about it. Sitting at a desk and walking on an incline isn't very practical, which is why most treadmills don't offer an inclined feature.

The machine is also light. Although light weight is a plus in the transport and storage of a treadmill it can also make them feel unstable since they do not have the weight to hold them down on the ground. If you reside in an apartment, a treadmill mat can aid in stabilizing light treadmills.

Sunny Health & Fitness sells the most affordable treadmill mats. You can find the link below.

Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill mat on Amazon

Deck Cushing System Reduces Joint Impact

The Citysports treadmill does not have an anti-shock system as you'd find on a commercial treadmill however, it does include deck cushioning which is an excellent thing. It is important to safeguard your joints throughout the ages. A treadmill with cushioning will enable users to avoid working on the most impact-prone surfaces, such as roads. The Citysports cushioning system includes layers under the belt. It is able to reduce the impact of each foot strike by around 40%.