treadmill for under desk
Nov 25, 2022
A less expensive treadmill, such as the Citysports Treadmill will not be in a position to compete with the gym. These treadmills are designed for walking and the build quality will reflect this. This isn't necessarily a negative thingsince you don't require a large heavy-duty design to be able to walk at your desk.
A cheap, well-made treadmill such as the CitySports Treadmill is perfect for anyone who wants to burn some pounds while doing. Its low-power motor ensures it isn't too loud to disrupt your walk and you can hear the call of zoom.
Straight out of the box
This treadmill's simplicity is what people love the most. It's simple to set up and operate. It's easy to take out of the box and hit the power button. It's one of my favorites walking treadmills, and today we'll take a look at the features it has provide.
Look over these specifications for the product!
Specifications of the product
Product dimensions - 55.5 x 24.75 x 6 inches
Weight - 55lbs (25kg).
Speed ranges from 0.6 percent to 3.0mph (1-6km).
Max user height - 6'2''
Anti-shock system
Motor - 40W
Weight Capacity - 24lbs
Running belt size - 17'' X 43.3''
What is it that makes us love The Citysports Treadmill so great?
First, I was impressed by the Citysports treadmill's small size. It can easily be stored on a bed, sofa or table. I've heard of people who were able to put the treadmill in their closets. This is an excellent option in case you're limited on space. You can easily transport the lightweight device by tilting and rolling the included transport wheels.
Good Length Running Belt For Price Point
However, what's even more impressive with Citysport's compact treadmill is the size of the belt. The belt measures 43" by 17" It's quite impressive for a desktop treadmill. The belt is about a couple of inches longer than the ones I've reviewed in this price range , and an inch longer. Although it might appear small, this makes a significant difference in the number of people who are able to use the machine.
For faster walking sessions For faster walking, a 43" belt is adequate for users who are at least 6'2'. The extra inch can help users avoid getting on the belt's side during walks.
Large LCD Easy To Read
There are no advanced monitors to boast about on this treadmill, and you wouldn't imagine there to be. It's uncommon to find an under-desk treadmill with advanced features for monitors; the design doesn't really allow for any, even high-end under-desk treadmills come with basic monitors.
Even if, in this price range, we only receive the basics, the CitySports treadmill tracks your speed and distance, time, and calories . It display your fitness stats on a large LCD that's built into the running deck of the treadmill.
All of it is controlled with a remote control, so you can simply change speed when walking. The top speed is 3.8mph.
Bluetooth connectivity is possible on treadmills. Additionally, the built-in speakers are a great addition. There aren't any fitness programs. The machine is quiet with a motor of 540w. The machine isn't so loud that you can still be watching TV or listen to music.
What is the most frequent time I Have to Lubricate My Belt?
The Citysports walking treadmill belt is pre-lubricated from the factory. It's already pre-lubricated from the factory. After that, the treadmill belt should be lubricated every 60 miles. A handy little device on the treadmill deck is that it lights red when the treadmill belt requires lubrication.
Is This Treadmill Durable?
The majority of treadmills will not last the duration of a life time. It is still possible to do basic treadmill maintenance so that the treadmill will last as long as possible. The first step is to put the belt on the right side prior to your first walking session. Once a week I always find it's a good idea to wash the treadmill belt and vacuum underneath it. This can help to keep debris out of the motor. And lastly, make sure that youlubricate the treadmill belt as required. This treadmill comes with an indicator light to ensure that you don't have to worry about issues.
Another thing that will prolong the lifespan of your treadmill is not to exceed the maximum recommended capacity of the treadmill. Because of their weak motors it's recommended to keep treadmills within the limits of the maximum recommended capacity. They won't be able to handle the weight of heavy loads and are likely to break down quickly.
The maximum capacity of this treadmill is 240lb, a more realistic max capacity of this treadmill is 200lb.
The CitySports treadmill can last for years, if you follow the guidelines.
Any Major Drawbacks?
There isn't a major disadvantage for this treadmill. While the remote may feel cheap but it performs very efficiently. Make sure you hold the device flat in your hands and not in a slant. In the wrong way, it will not work properly.
No Inclination
An incline feature is something I love to use on my treadmill. It burns twice the calories and strengthens my leg muscles. The treadmill is designed to burn some calories and is able to be used underneath the desk. It's impossible to work at a desk as you take a walk on an inclines therefore, many people don't have one.
Finally, the machine is very light. Although lightweight is a benefit when it comes to transporting and storing a treadmill, it can make them feel unstable because they don't have the extra weight to keep them in place. If you live in an apartment the treadmill mat could aid in stabilizing light treadmills.
Sunny Health & Fitness sells the most affordable treadmill mats. Click here for the link.
Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill mat on Amazon
Deck Cushing System Reduces the strain on your joints
The Citysports treadmill isn't equipped with an anti-shock mechanism like you'd find on the commercial treadmill however, it does have deck cushioning which is a great thing. It is essential to protect your joints at any age. If you're not keen to exercise on roads or other hard flooring, then a treadmill equipped with a cushioning system is the best option. The Citysports cushioning system is constructed from layers under the belt. This reduces the force of each foot strike by as high as 40%.